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By Vince Lauria on May 15, 2010 9:05 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
This perspective also works for Dominant Chords.
Lets use the G Dominant Chords - using four note chords
G7th = R, 3rd, 5th, b7th G, B, D, F - two chords lie within the G7th chord:
G, B, D = G major and B, D, F = B diminished.
(So the Bass player could play the G note, the keyboard could play G major chord (G, B, D) and the guitar could play B diminished (B, D, F) across the neck to solo or make melodies arpeggio style).
Now lets look at other dominant chords and apply the polytonal approach:
G dominant 9th = R, 3rd, 5th, b7th, 9th G, B, D, F, A
G, B, D = G major and D, F, A = D minor
G dominant 11th = R, 3rd, 5th, b7th, 9th, 11th G, B, D, F, A, C
G, B, D = G major and D, F, A = D minor
G dominant 13th = R, 3rd, 5th, b7th, 9th, 11th, 13th G, B, D, F, A, C, E
G, B, D, F = G seventh and F, A, C, E = F major seventh
This also works for altered dominant chords:
G dominant 7th/b9 = R, 3rd, 5th, b7th, b9th G, B, D, F, Ab
G, B, D, F = G seventh and D, F, Ab = D diminished.
G dominant 7th/#9 = R, 3rd, 5th, b7th, #9th G, B, D, F, A#
G, B, D, F = G seventh and D, F, A#(Bb) = Bb major.
G dominant 7th/b5 = R, 3rd, b5th, b7th, G, B, Db, F,
G, B, Db = G#11 and B, Db, F, = Db (C#) seventh.
G dominant 7th/#5 = R, 3rd, #5th, b7th, G, B, D#, F,
G, B, D# = G#5 and B, D#, F, = B#11.
Assignment: Record each of these chords - using quarter note strums for five to ten minutes. Then using quarter then eighth notes on another track or with a friend - play the first, then second polytonal chord up and back arpeggio style.
As always transpose to all fifteen keys.
All materials copy-write 2010. For personal use only.
Vince Lauria Sun and Earth Music
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