A great technique for making chord changes smoothly is to think of each note in a chord individually.
Each note within a chord is a separate voice.
Two common ways to move from one chord to another is the following:
Normal Progression:
Find common tone and move other voices scale wise.
This can be ascending or descending.
Contrary Motion:
If the bass moves up - the treble moves down.
If the bass moves down - the treble moves up.
There will be passing tones from chord to chord. (notes from the scale)
First examples will all be in C major (3 note chords) using Normal Progressions:
Ascending chord progressions. (notes are written lowest tone on left to highest tone on right)
These chords are all created from the C Major Scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.
C, E, G (C major)
C, F, A (F major)
D, G, B (G major - second inversion)
E, G, C (C major - first inversion)
I, IV, V, I progression.
E, G, C (C major - first inversion)
F, A, C (F major)
G, B, D (G major)
G, C, E (C major - second inversion)
I, IV, V, I progression.
C, E, G (C major)
D, G, B (G major - second inversion)
E, G, C (C major - first inversion)
G, B, D (G major)
G, C, E (C major - second inversion)
I, V, I, V, I progression.
C, E, G (C major)
D, G, B (G major - second inversion)
E, A, C (A minor - second inversion)
F, A, C (F major)
I, V, vi, IV, progression.
F, A, C (F major)
A, C, E (A minor)
A, D, F (D minor)
B, D, G (G major - first inversion)
C, E, G (C major)
IV, vi, ii, V, I progression.
C, E, G (C major)
C, F, A (F major - second inversion)
D, F, A (D minor)
D, G, B (G major - second inversion)
E, G, B (E minor)
E, A, C (A minor - second inversion)
F, A, C (F major)
G, C, E (C major - second inversion)
I, IV, ii, V, iii, vi, IV, I progression.
C, E, G (C major)
C, E, A (A minor - first inversion)
D, F, A (D minor)
D, F, B (B diminished - first inversion)
E, G, B (E minor)
E, G, C (C major first - inversion)
F, A, C (F major)
F, A, D (D minor - first inversion)
G, B, D (G major)
G, C, E (C major - second inversion)
I, vi, ii, viio, iii, I, IV, ii, V, I progression.
Now transpose these to each position (register) of your instrument, then to all 15 keys.
All materials copyright 2010. For personal use only.
Vince Lauria Sun and Earth Music
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